I help you transform your relationship with yourself, so you can become a match to the love you desire and feel confident, secure and worthy.

Feminine Power

The smart woman’s guide to attract love. Learn how to tap into your natural power as a woman, so you can attract the loving and healthy relationship you deeply desire, without having to chase a man or settle for less than you deserve. This is not rocket science - its skills that you can learn, just like you've learned everything else in life. Make these 5 shifts and start dating smarter!

Hi, I’m Lærke,

I am a Love and Confidence Coach for strong, independent women, who feel competent and capable in their career and life in general, but who experience that their love life is difficult and hard.

Maybe you lack confidence in yourself as a partner, even if you have it in other areas of life, you feel insecure about your worth, struggle with staying true to yourself and your values and easily abandon your standards, when you think you can’t have what you desire. You might think you are not as attractive as you are smart, and deep down you carry a belief that you are less deserving of love and you have to work hard to get it.

To protect your heart you have developed a very independent nature, and you know you are seen as someone strong and capable, but underneath it you are disconnected to your own emotions, you struggle to open up and trust, and you hardly ever show a romantic partner your vulnerable sides.

You can be a woman who is dating and often end up attracting emotionally unavailable men, who don’t offer you the love and presence, that you truly desire, but instead makes you work hard and accept very little.

Although you are suffering, you still get just enough validation to keep you going, and you find it difficult to get yourself out of this spiral. You might tell yourself that you will never meet someone like him again.

You can be a woman in a relationship feeling anxious and insecure about your partners intentions, looking for signs that he is on his way to leave you or that he prefers someone else over you.

Your whole life revolves around him, and you tend to self-abandon and spend a lot of time ruminating about your relationship. You hardly ever enjoy your life outside the relationship or just spending time with yourself.

No matter what your situation is, I’ve got you covered.

You want to feel confident, secure and worthy of the love you deeply desire.
You want to change how you see yourself and your value as a partner
You want to feel excited about your life in itself, so that you become more resilient and less vulnerable
You want create a new story about your love life, that includes changing how you see your past and start learning and healing yourself
You want to experience a new kind of love that lights you up, and makes you feel seen, heard and connected.      

I can help you do that.

You can be a woman who is letting go of someone from the past and suffering under the painful narrative of not being “good enough” to be “chosen” and not being able to move on or ever find someone new.

Rejection and breakup feels like the end of your life and throws you right into a spiral of self-shame and self-blame that activates all your childhood wounds and abandonment issues.  

As a single 48 year old woman I thought the "ship had sailed" for me to meet a man. This was the reason why I signed up with Laerke Nielsen. To say she has completely changed my perspective on finding love at my age is an understatement! She has taught me so much about myself over our sessions and why I have stayed single for so long. I now have my confidence back and am in the early stages of dating a lovely man. I cannot recommend her highly enough. I think every single smart woman should have a Laerke backing them. She is life changing. If you are thinking about signing up, just do it, you won't regret it. I didn't.

Carmel, Ireland

I was less than hopeful after dating for 14 years post divorce.  In just 3 months I met the man of my dreams online using all the skills I learned from Laerke.  It was worth all the effort, all inner self reflection and the time to develop both.  It was most essential for me, to identify a list of the most important aspects in a man and the boundaries that must be set in advance of any meeting.  I highly recommend Laerke for anyone who is serious about creating and living a purposeful life.

Beth, 59

To choose you as a coach was one of the best decisions, I have taken… and the best journey. I can’t say enough how this 6-month transformation was beneficial for me. It helped me to believe and to accept myself, to develop self-awareness and to be selective. Thank you for being supportive and approachable, yet, objective and motivating. 

Maya, 42, Bulgaria