I first discovered Laerke through a podcast after the end of a two-year relationship. People may see me as a highly successful woman—managing a flourishing hotel in Africa, running my own coaching practice, and living a life filled with gratitude for my close friendships and healthy children. However, in my romantic life, I often find myself falling back into the same patterns over and over.

Laerke has been incredibly impactful on my journey. One of her greatest strengths is her ability to listen deeply, which creates a safe space for me to share my thoughts and feelings. She is more than just a good listener; she skillfully guides me toward discovering my own tools for growth and self-awareness. With her support, I am learning to peel back the layers of my issues and address the root causes that have led me to navigate the dating world with uncertainty. Laerke has also helped me refine my communication skills, providing me with the tools to express my needs, desires, and boundaries more effectively.

As I re-enter the dating market, I feel increasingly empowered to break these old patterns. Laerke made me realize that I need to work on my feminine side in love relationships, rather than always trying to be in control. She emphasized the importance of communicating honestly about myself and my feelings.

In conclusion, working with Laerke has been a transformative experience, allowing me to approach my love life with greater awareness and confidence. I am grateful for her presence on my journey as I strive for deeper connections and a more fulfilling romantic life.

Melanie, 48, The Netherlands

These 5 months of coaching with Laerke had been a truly transformative experience for me.  After 10 years of confusion, indecisiveness and frustration, I find myself clear in my boundaries, and confident as a woman. I’m finally back into dating, and enjoying it! I didn’t really believe this was possible after being single for so long, but Laerke supported me every step of the way. Thank you for this journey!
Elina, 51, Portugal

I can highly recommend Laerke as a coach as well as for her knowledge and specialty.  Laerke taught me skills that were useful in not just dating but exceptionally useful in pinpointing the ideal relationship.  As busy professionals, it is important not to waste too much time meeting or sharing with the wrong person.  I did that in marriage!  Moving forward, having a clear sense of what are the most important values and more importantly, how one presents themselves to and in a relationship are the skills best learned.  And Laerke is an expert in her field.
Mel, 58, US 

As a single 48 year old woman I thought the "ship had sailed" for me to meet a man. This was the reason why I signed up with Laerke Nielsen. To say she has completely changed my perspective on finding love at my age is an understatement! She has taught me so much about myself over our sessions and why I have stayed single for so long. I now have my confidence back and am in the early stages of dating a lovely man. I cannot recommend her highly enough. I think every single smart woman should have a Laerke backing them. She is life changing. If you are thinking about signing up, just do it, you won't regret it. I didn't.
Carmel, 48, Ireland

I was less than hopeful after dating for 14 years post divorce.  In just 3 months I met the man of my dreams online using all the skills I learned from Laerke.  It was worth all the effort, all inner self reflection and the time to develop both.  It was most essential for me, to identify a list of the most important aspects in a man and the boundaries that must be set in advance of any meeting.  I highly recommend Laerke for anyone who is serious about creating and living a purposeful life. Beth, 59, US

To choose you as a coach was one of the best decisions, I have taken… and the best journey. I can’t say enough how this 6-month transformation was beneficial for me. It helped me to believe and to accept myself, to develop self-awareness and to be selective.
Thank you for being supportive and approachable, yet, objective and motivating. 
Maya, 42, Bulgaria

Laerke is a soft and at the same time very powerful coach. She found my weak points easily and kept reminding me whenever I wanted to avoid it.
After working with her I have a clear vision of me and my situation and how I can change it. 
Jelena, 58, Germany

Earlier this year I had a painful break up after a short but very intense relationship and I was looking for someone to help me get over it when I discovered Laerke.  During our initial discovery call I rapidly felt that she was going to be able to provide the help and advice that I was looking for. The program of 12 sessions was well structured, with the initial sessions addressing the immediate pain and sadness of the breakup, and then progressively providing more structured guidance on looking forward to dealing with potential future relationships. It also provided some really helpful tools to deal with all aspects of life, not just romantic relationships. I was especially impressed with Laerke’s ability to tailor the course specifically to me and my rate of recovery.  

 At 44 years old (with only a couple of longer term relationships) I now feel positive for the first time ever about my romantic future. I also feel equipped with tools to ensure more successful romantic outcomes and the ability to stop wasting my time on people who don’t appreciate me. I am not scared of another relationship ending (something that previously put me off even starting a relationship), as I have the tools to deal with it better, as well as the video recording of each of the sessions to refresh my memory if required.

This is an investment in myself and I feel that I got great value for money, as the coaching has essentially given me the tools to create a better future for myself; one that I feel I have much more control over. Just recently I have made a huge, live changing decision, which I made by myself and for myself. Any future partners will now have to fit in with this and I’m ok with that. I would not have done this without Laerke.  

Hannah, 44, Paris

Life coaching with Lærke has helped me in so many ways. I have tried everything from hypnotherapy to group counselling, but I honestly think Lærke has helped me grow the most. She has helped me to understand how to look at my thoughts and understand them more deeply. After every session, I come away feeling so light and happy with a new sense of clarity within my mind. She has helped me to understand my future self and work towards it with determination. I think when I started with Lærke my confidence was at a 4 out of 10, however, now I think I am nearing an 8 or 9. She has helped me in so many ways and I will truly be forever grateful for her. I would recommend Lærke to anyone, it will be the best thing you ever do for yourself. 

Emily, 23, United Kingdom

I came to Laerke seeking help to get over a difficult breakup. I was at a low emotional point made harder by the fact that I had suffered emotional abuse from a relationship with a narcissist. Laerke put me through her structured program step by step to get in touch with my feelings, to learn to accept them and to learn how to move forward in a positive manner. While Laerke was always clear on the required steps, I was never rushed or ignored, she built enough space in the process to adapt to my specific needs and to my mental state as we went along. Her pitch and tone were perfect.

 Laerke went beyond by researching the specifics of narcissistic relationships and by guiding me to some very useful expert videos on those relationships. This was extremely helpful in validating my feelings and experience and in getting me to understand and process my own relationship.

 Going beyond the structure and the process, what I appreciated most about Laerke was her humanness. Dealing with my breakup was tough, yet I found Laerke to have a really nice human touch that helped me come back from the darkness to see the light once again, feeling worthy and optimistic about my future relationship. I would strongly recommend Laerke to anyone going through a difficult breakup.

 Fares, 71, Canada

In the coaching we worked a lot on my self perception, feelings of never being good enough, and attaching my worthiness to other peoples validation and whether I could measure up to my own idea of being perfect. We also focused on letting go and creating closure from painful experiences from the past, that had caused me suffering for years. 

I achieved everything and more than I had hoped for with the coaching.

I now see my past in a different frame that no longer makes me feel angry or frustrated. I also have changed the way I feel about myself, I don’t judge and blame myself as much and I don’t expect of myself to be “perfect”. My outlook on my life is much more positive, and I look forward to the rest of my life and feel optimistic about my future.   

Throughout the program, I learned different tools and shifted my perspective on things. I am in a better emotional balance, and I check in with my feelings and allow them instead of just expecting to be happy all the time and never feel anything negative. 

I have tried several other approaches, but this program has been the most efficient. I am very impressed by Laerkes coaching skills and ability to ask the questions that made me go through the necessary reflections, that changed my perception. The recordings are really good to keep, it has helped me a lot to rewatch them and also do the home work in the program.   

I definitely think it was worth the investment and as I renewed for 3 additional months, we worked for 6 months in total. I would recommend this kind of coaching to others – of all the things I have tried, this has been the best.

Torben, 52 , Denmark


I have always struggled with self-confidence and have based my self-worth on what other people think of me. As I have gotten older I have realized that this is not a way to live our lives and started on a journey to gain self-confidence. Before I started working with Laerke, I found myself unable to speak up or contribute very actively in my classes for fear of being judged. After working with Laerke I was reminded that I am worthy and have something to offer to those around me regardless of other people’s opinions of me. This has allowed me to show up more fully in my day to day life. I particularly enjoyed learning specific tools from Laerke that allowed me to change my perspective and my thought process. This has been very helpful because I am now learning to manage my fears and nervousness and to rewire my thought process to be more productive.

This program has allowed me to be compassionate towards myself, as I would be towards others. It has shown me that my self-worth does not depend on others and that if I make a mistake or am not perfect it merely means that I am growing and developing as a human being.

I would highly recommend Laerke’s program to others. I am a musician and as such I am constantly under criticism in a way that can be painful because of the vulnerability needed for this artform. I think that this course would be very beneficial to other performing artist in different branches given the fact that we are constantly being judged, compared and criticized.

Mariana, 32, Paris


Up until I experienced Laerkes' program, my self-confidence was never stable because it always depended on other people's opinions about me. For instance, if someone doubted my career's decision, I would then doubt myself and ruminate about it, which created a lot of anxiety. I started reading books about self-development and had been in therapy with a psychotherapist to reduce the anxious feelings, but without much success. One evening, I watched Laerke's webinar on achieving goals and was amazed by her advice. I took notes and started to practice what she had taught us during the webinar - It worked wonderfully! As soon as we started the sessions one on one, I felt attentively listened to and very welcomed by Laerke. She asked the right questions that made me see things differently. Laerke nailed what my points to improve were and gently pushed me every week to take action in the direction of progress. Each week, I had concrete and achievable steps to realize. She knew exactly how to motivate me and clear any blockage I encountered. After each session, I felt empowered and much calmer because the anxiety lessened. It is the end of the program and I am glad I enrolled! I feel proud of myself and more focused on my goals than ever before. It has changed the way I see myself - I have a much gentle and kind inner voice. I no longer let other opinions be my priority and when I feel discouraged or unmotivated, I use the tools that Laerke has given me. Overall, I have found a grounded selfconfidence that encourages me every day rather than letting me down :-)!! I highly recommend coaching practices with Laerke to anyone! We all have an area of our life that could benefit from a little more self-confidence and she is such a talented and insightful life coach!!! Thank you Laerke!

Agathe, 27, France

I was someone who didn’t believe in herself at all. I always doubted myself even though I was quite successful at school, university and others things. I just didn’t see it and I thought all the success happened by accident, that it was somehow given to be my mistake and it was just question of time when someone would take it away. I couldn’t even write a simple email without checking every word about ten times just to make sure everything is perfect, wasting my time and energy. I was hiding my body and my face, because I didn’t like it. I was afraid to express my opinion out of fear of being judged. I had a constant rumination in my head about everything. I was scared to say something because that meant someone will look at me and judge me. I felt I couldn’t progress any further in my life if I don’t become more self-confident and just live my life for myself. 


In this program with Laerke I progressed more than in last years and all the self-help books I read. She knew what are the most important problems to face and to focus on. She made me realized that I am a lot stronger than I thought. When I talked to her, she knew exactly what question to ask to make me realize my weaknesses and my strong point and how to get the best out of it. She is really patient and explains everything clearly with different examples that are easy to understand. She gave me homework which was an excellent addition and guidance. It gave me something to do almost every day and in that way I developed perseverance and constant work, which is really important. I do admit it was a challenge, but it was a lot of fun as well. After every session she sent me notes so I could keep up with our ideas and also she would sent me sheet to fill in so I could think about some important question that were bothering me before. That actually made me realize some of my preoccupations were in my head and there was no reason to overthink certain things.

Today I am a lot more self-confident, but there is still work to do. But some things are behind me and I feel better in my skin. I feel motivated and I also have ideas where and how to work on my confidence, thanks to Laerke. 

Helena, 31, Croatia

I find it difficult to open up and talk to others about things I’m struggling with, one of these things being my self-confidence. Before starting the program, I was avoiding situations that I was scared I would feel uncomfortable in; I was judging myself in a way that was doing no one any good! I found Laerke really easy to talk to, and she took me step by step helping me to reflect on situations I’ve experienced, their outcomes and how I treated myself afterwards. She broke things down in such a way that I could reflect on how I reacted and why I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. With her worksheets and small tasks, I’ve gained so much from this coaching in how I’ll approach future daunting, or previously avoided, situations remembering that if I’m not judging myself..then the chances are nobody is, and so what if they are! These sessions would be beneficial to any woman who finds herself getting nervous in certain situations, who’s afraid to try things in case she fails, or anyone who feels their confidence levels aren’t reaching a 9 or 10 out of 10.  Thanks a lot Laerke!  

Aisling, 32, Ireland

It was my first experience with coaching and I loved everything about it.

I wanted to be a better version of me but didn't know how. With her guidance, each session allowed the process to unfold without resistance. She has a talent in encouraging others to realize their experiences and feelings in pure and loving way. After 4 sessions with her, my life is already so much better by knowing myself better and having become a better version of me. I totally recommend working with Laerke to make your world a better place. 

Kumi, 42, Hawaii

If you could capture the changes in my mind and my relationships before and after Laerke, the photo would be stunning. As cliche as the word is, she genuinely empowered me to create more love and stability with my children,  husband, and with myself, and I know that our work has contributed to a more beautiful future. I will always be grateful for her kind attention and insight. 

Jessica, 38, Virginia


I worked with Laerke for 8 sessions in 6 weeks! We started with mindset and changing thought patterns and beliefs that did not serve me anymore: like feeling that I am not good enough, if I am not perfect, being attracted to not available men or sabotaging my diet and diet mindset. We worked together on a weight loss program, where I learnt ways how to control urges and weight and it helped me immensely to totally shift my eating patterns, from extremely bad to healthy, and start consiously eating (though sometimes I did days off), and I am so happy that finally I understood why I was not succeeding in other diets, or gaining back weight. I lost 3,5 kg in 4 weeks (and much more in cm) and I gained lots of understanding about my body and myself. 

I am happy I started this journey and rewired my thinking, and I know its lasting change. Laerke coaching and working on thought models really changed my life and I am now able to catch my thoughts, and control them better. I loved it totally! She listens carefully, she guides gently, I felt safe to tell all deep thoughts inside me and really change my thinking. I am very positive person, so I did not know it will impact me so much, but it really took my life to the next level! Thank you for your time and coaching!

Abigail, 34, Australia

I worked with Laerke on current situations affecting my work life. We discussed issues that were dominating my emotions. Laerke listened and allowed me to think and express more clearly about my thoughts and what actions I had taken in the scenario that was being discussed. The coaching sessions allowed me to reflect on my thoughts in a different way that would best serve me and allow me to be a better version of myself. Laerke’s coaching has allowed me to implement the learnings in my work and personal life with a more favourable outcome. I would not hesitate to recommend Laerke. Thank you.

Mariam, 44, United Kingdom


Laerke has a very good strategy with reasonable and clear analyzes, she helped me to return often on my way of thinking and the feeling resolved from this thinking. She helped me to think and to decide more clearly without being afraid. Even her coaching sections are finished for me, I still try to respect the way of acting, feeling and specialty thinking differently or clearly in my personal and work life.

Roksan, 49, France


Laerke is awesome! From the very first session she made me believe in myself because she held space for me, and believed in me. Before seeing Laerke I wasn't very in touch with what was going on in my mind, and wasn't conscious of my actions and how they were affecting me. I have become more aware of my thoughts, and what I am doing. I can question them, and make choices based on what I want to achieve. Laerke is a very professional coach and really knows her stuff. Throughout our time working together I have completely changed my relationship with alcohol. She makes me feel like I do anything if I change my thoughts and my habits. 

Alison Crooks, 39, Australia


It was a great experience for me to have life coach sessions with Laerke. She helped me to see my actions and my thoughts more objectively. The 6 sessions that I had helped me to think in a more positive and constructive way to deal with my difficulties in my everyday life. I really enjoyed her sessions! I strongly recommend it!

Yukari, 35, Japan

Having had Laerke guide me through the sessions and be curious about the negative feelings I have under certain circumstances have been a great experience.
She helped me be curious about my feelings, find ways to handle them and in the end I even got an aha-experience, when she helped me realize that some of the feelings I have tried to avoid are the exact same I run towards in other circumstance. Having connected those dots, I can now more easily go into and handle the situations I have tried to avoid in the past.

Mads, 42, Denmark

“I had the pleasure of talking to Laerke to get help with becoming more organized and minimizing my procrastination tendencies. Laerke has a very clear way of communicating her observations and ideas based on my explanations, and gave a number of very useful tools and ideas for me to use in my work to change some very set behavioral patterns. The advise I received was presented very logically and pragmatically, which for me is very useful, and I found that Laerke was able to tune in to my mindset, and found the way to talk to me, that made sense to me. In other words, I felt understood.

Henrik, 55, Denmark


Lærke has the unique skill of establishing a personal and warm atmosphere from the beginning so you feel embraced from the first online-encounter. Throughout our sessions she gave the exact right guidance in order for me to find the answer within myself - approaching it with an objective perspective instead of a personal one - a huge skill and gift when it comes to Business situations. I can only give Lærke my warmest recommendations and am thankful for having her by my side. 

Anne-Marie, 45, Denmark

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