Love always begins with yourself

The relationship you have with others, and in particular a romantic partner, will always be a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself.

If you think you are supposed to be perfect to be loved, you are likely to attract a partner who treats you as not good enough to them.

If you think you are supposed to work hard for love, you are likely to attract someone who gives you very little attention.

If you think your value is attached to how much you compromise and do for your partner, you are likely to attract someone who expects you to self-abandon.   

On the other hand:

If you accept every part of yourself, and even love most of it, even if you can admit that you still have work to do, you will attract someone who can embrace the true you, and who also has a growth mindset.

If you dare to be authentic and vulnerable, you will attract someone who loves and adores the real you and never wants you to change.

If you can stand by yourself and your standards and speak up when you need to, you will attract someone who is ready to listen.

And if you can look in the mirror and feel like a catch, you will attract someone who thinks you are the most attractive woman they have ever met!  

These are my biggest love lessons. And its also what I have experienced when coaching women through heartbreak, dating and relationship challenges.  

The best investment you can do for your current or future partner is to create a healthy, loving and supportive relationship with yourself.

The facts: I am a certified Lifecoach from The Lifecoach School. I also have a MSc in Pharmacology and another diploma in Rhetoric. I have worked as a toxicologist, journalist, teacher, government official, medical affairs manager, communication consultant and in medical marketing. I am Danish, but live in Paris. I coach in English and Danish.

Listen to my podcast and follow me on social media via the icons below to get to know me more.

I would love to help you transform the relationship you have with yourself, so you can become a match to the love you desire. Book a free consult to explore the options.