You attract, what you are a match to!

I help you transform the relationship you have with yourself, so you can become a match to the love you truly desire. Whether you are single and want to attract an emotionally available and committed partner or you are in a relationship and want to feel more connected and less anxious.  

My coaching is always customised to your needs, so no two clients go through exactly the same, but here are some of the elements of my program:

Being your own Person, the one who has your back, cheers for you, sees your value and uniqueness, builds your confidence, encourages you to go for our dreams, supports you when you need courage, accepts and embraces your imperfections, stays present with your emotions and soothes you when life is hard, reminds you to honor your needs and boundaries and creates emotional safety for you to dare to be vulnerable and open up your heart to love.

Part of this work is also make sure that you have a life purpose, a mission or a passion in life, that is more or at least equally important to a partner. That you have a social life you love, you take care of your health, and you challenge yourself intellectually and emotionally.

Dating and relationship skills that nobody ever teaches us, such as how to spot the the true green flags and not get distracted by sparks and chemistry. How to express what you want and don’t want without blaming or being demanding with a romantic partner. How to navigate a conflict without breaking down or breaking up. How to stay true to yourself inside the relationship and to keep the attraction alive.  

Book a free call with me to explore the options of working together.  

As a single 48 year old woman I thought the "ship had sailed" for me to meet a man. This was the reason why I signed up with Laerke Nielsen. To say she has completely changed my perspective on finding love at my age is an understatement! She has taught me so much about myself over our sessions and why I have stayed single for so long. I now have my confidence back and am in the early stages of dating a lovely man. I cannot recommend her highly enough. I think every single smart woman should have a Laerke backing them. She is life changing. If you are thinking about signing up, just do it, you won't regret it. I didn't.
Carmel, 48, Ireland

I was less than hopeful after dating for 14 years post divorce.  In just 3 months I met the man of my dreams online using all the skills I learned from Laerke.  It was worth all the effort, all inner self reflection and the time to develop both.  It was most essential for me, to identify a list of the most important aspects in a man and the boundaries that must be set in advance of any meeting.  I highly recommend Laerke for anyone who is serious about creating and living a purposeful life.
Beth, 59, US

To choose you as a coach was one of the best decisions, I have taken… and the best journey. I can’t say enough how this 6-month transformation was beneficial for me. It helped me to believe and to accept myself, to develop self-awareness and to be selective. Thank you for being supportive and approachable, yet, objective and motivating. 
Maya, 42, Bulgaria